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Man: The Polluter (1973) |
Man: The Polluter 1973 HD
Dated Released : 1973-01-01
Quality : BluRay | 53 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : Fred H. Knelman
Genre : Animation
Overview : A richly illustrated cartoon film that enlarges on man's capacity to foul his own nest, and to ignore it. Made by a joint team of Canadian and Yugoslav animation artists, the film transmits its warning with unflagging humor, imagination, movement and design. In between animated sequences Dr. Fred H. Knelman, Professor of Science and Human Affairs at Concordia University in Montréal, comments on the import of what is shown and on what lies in store if more responsibility is not taken on a global scale to conserve what is left of our vital resources and usable environment.
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