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A Tear in the Ocean (1973) |
A Tear in the Ocean 1973 HD
Dated Released : 1973-03-01
Quality : BluRay | minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : Alexandre Stere, Dominique Rollin, Armand Abplanalp, Henri Glaeser
Genre : Drama
Overview : As the Germans marched into Poland, some Poles sought to join the resistance underground to harass or even stop the advance. Some members of the Jewish community joined them. A surprising number, more mystically inclined, did not. This French film takes us to one remote Polish estate, where patriots are arming themselves to fight Germans. Several Jews who sought to join them are admitted by the group's leader, but they are violently dealt with by the other anti-Semitic members of the group.
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