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A Viúva Virgem (1972) |
A Viúva Virgem 1972 HD
Dated Released : 1972-01-01
Quality : BluRay | 0 minutes Minutes
Rating : 4/10 (1 Users)
Star : Adriana Prieto, Jardel Filho, Carlos Imperial, Marcelo Marcello
Genre : Comedy
Overview : In Minas Gerais, the powerful "colonel" Alexandrão gets married with the young and virgin Cristina and promotes a huge wedding party in his farm. He eats and drinks a lot along the day, and in his "first night" with the bride, he dies before consummating his marriage. The marital status of Cristina becomes very unusual, being a virgin widow. Her doctor advises her to travel to Rio de Janeiro to rest, and she moves with her aunt to an inherited apartment in Leme. Once in Rio de Janeiro, the rascal Constantino, who is aware of her wealth, courts her and borrows money, clothes and a Mercedes Benz from his friends, pretending he is businessman man. His friends release "stocks" in a parallel stock market, based and supported in the expectation of the possible marriage of Constantino with Cristina. However, the ghost of Coronel Alexandrão appears for her whenever she intends to have sex with Constantino.
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