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Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why? 1972

Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why? (1972)

Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why? 1972 HD
Dated Released : 1972-04-15
Quality : BluRay | 90 minutes Minutes
Rating : 6/10 (1 Users)
Star : Lou Castel, Beba Loncar, Adolfo Celi, Massimo Serato
Genre : Thriller
Overview : Fashion photographer Carlo and his model Olga know they're on to a good thing when they happen upon two men beating and setting fire to a third during a shoot on what they thought was a deserted beach. Instead of going to the police, Carlo takes the pictures he surreptitiously took to Olga's uncle Fifi, an unscrupulous pornographer with underworld connections. After they read in the papers that the victim was a crusading prosecutor for the Republic, Fifi tries to interest the Mafia in the photos while Carlo hawks them to a scandal sheet journalist. Everyone wants the incriminating evidence but none more so than a black-gloved killer who slays the murderers in the photos before setting out to eliminate anyone linked to the pictures and their negatives

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