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Voulez-vous coucher avec God? (1972) |
Voulez-vous coucher avec God? 1972 HD
Dated Released : 1972-01-02
Quality : BluRay | 69 minutes Minutes
Rating : 6/10 (1 Users)
Star : Abigail Rosen, Jasen Rosen, George Ward, Judith Merril
Genre : N/A
Overview : Shot primarily in a seedy bathroom, it's gross, outrageously blasphemous, trippy, campy and hilarious, esp. if seen very, very high. Sometime Village Fug Tuli Kupferberg plays a vulgar NY Jewish G*d who never gets out of the tub. The story line is the debate in an ecumenical trailer trash Heaven during Abraham's biblical trial of faith over the sacrifice of his son Isaac. (IMDb)
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Voulez-vous coucher avec God? Official Teaser Trailer #1 1972
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