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Once Upon a Mattress (1972) |
Once Upon a Mattress 1972 HD
Dated Released : 1972-12-12
Quality : BluRay | 78 minutes Minutes
Rating : 7/10 (1 Users)
Star : Carol Burnett, Ken Berry, Jack Gilford, Jane White
Genre : Comedy, Family, Musical
Overview : The second television adaptation of Once Upon a Mattress was broadcast on December 12, 1972, on CBS. This production, videotaped in color, included original Broadway cast members Burnett, Gilford and White, and also featured Bernadette Peters as Lady Larken, Ken Berry as Prince Dauntless, Ron Husmann as Harry, and Wally Cox as The Jester. It was directed by Ron Field and Dave Powers. Again, several songs were eliminated and characters were combined or altered. Since the parts of the Minstrel and the Wizard were cut from this adaptation, a new prologue was written with Burnett singing "Many Moons Ago" as a bedtime story.
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