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Trust and Brotherhood (1972) |
Trust and Brotherhood 1972 HD
Dated Released : 1972-02-04
Quality : BluRay | 88 minutes Minutes
Rating : 3/10 (1 Users)
Star : Lung Sheng
Genre : Action
Overview : For a long time, a modest village lives in terror because of the raids of a bunch of bandits. Miners and farmers, wanting to avoid the worst, decide to outsource all their savings to Tang's bank. These men are directly attacked by Zatoichi's intervention, a blind man who is an expert swordsman despite his infirmity, and Bruce Wong, a young fighter who returns to the village after three years of exile. At a later time, Tang finds that the bandits know all their moves because they are informed by a traitor. Suspects seem to be Ju Ju, a prostitute and cabaret singer, however, when the girl is killed by the brigands, the real culprit is revealed as Kian Chan, the bank counselor. Bruce and Zatoichi vow to kill him...
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